What the care required lips?What methods of correcting the shape and volume of lips offers modern cosmetology?Lips - this is one of the most expressive facial features.Velvet lips accentuate the unique smile and mysterious appearance.The skin on your lips very thin and very delicate, and it's not really leather.It would be better to call this cover is kind of transitional structure between the skin and mucous tissues.Problems lips Lips have a special internal structure: they are extraordinarily sensitive and vulnerable due to the large number of nerve endings.They have no melanin, and sebaceous glands.Epidermis in labial tissue unusually thin, it has an incomplete set of layers.With this lip is always marked by a peculiar dryness and especially for skin pigmentation.Greatly affect the lips seasonal changes in weather.They also experience considerable stress in everyday life: the energetically engaged in conversation, in the processes of eating and drinking.Lips require daily care to her.With proper care they will stay young, smooth and shining.Many home remedies are quite efficacious, but they naturally did not surpa*s modern drugs.The paint on the lips 1.Makeup is the best protection for the lips.Never leave the house without a cosmetic on the lips.All glosses, lipsticks, sanitary preparations, tinted drugs past generations are multifunctional.Them, except for staining, they turn the appearance of fine wrinkles and flaking lips.In all decorative preparations for the lips present fats, moisturizers, vitamins, and filters that reflect ultraviolet light.You can apply a moisturizing gloss or hygienic lipstick, if you do not use colored lipstick.2.If the lips are dry, then they require softer lipstick.They increased the content of oils and fats.If his lips are pale, then the best option - a creamy matte lipstick, in which the percentage of dye above.For the lips, particularly sensitive to the environment (sun, wind, temperature) is best used with the addition of nacre - they have a lot of lanolin and mica, which protect the skin of the lips.3.On coming home, it is recommended to remove funds from the decorative lip cosmetic milk.4.A couple times a week to cleanse the lips, use a ma*sage.Use while a soft toothbrush, moistened it with cool mineral water.Such a procedure removes dead skin particles and maintains the elasticity of the lips.Help revitalize the lips morning rubbing ice.5.Very well soften lips oil products: butter or jojoba oil.You can also use oil compounds: vitamins A and E.You can also use vegetable composition - olive or any other stone.6.Weekly is recommended to put a mask on his lips: cottage cheese with cream, honey and vegetable oil droplets and beetroot-carrot juice.After 10 minutes, rinse with mineral water, and wipe his lips with a fat cream with vitamin A.7.Evening will be properly put on a special lip balms and creams.If you do not have drugs to take care of her lips, then you can apply a cream that is designed for skin around the eyes.Because the skin in this area is very similar to the skin of lips.Scarlet lips to change the contour and shape of the lips, overcome with the asymmetry of the lips, give them a rich color possible with makeup.One has only to outline the lips with a pencil to outline the line a little higher from the natural.After this, apply lipstick and feather it.But any, even the most resistant lipsticks often can not withstand an active lifestyle (the gym, "bath" of leisure).Pretty stupid look "drawn" lip in the home, such as early morning or at the family tea.Completely understand your criticisms, - "But we can fix the color superstoykoy or indelible lipstick." Yes, but even the most modern sustainable lipsticks is not advisable to use on a daily basis because they discolor lips and dry them.Hence, if unsightly lip seal marked age and bring you grief, then the optimal solution - a long make-up.Tattooing and contour makeup Both methods have the following principle: the introduction of dye into the skin of the lips and weight differences.Conture make up - it is modern and the most perfect way.In contrast to the tattoo ink is implanted not in the dermis, that is, the deeper layers of skin, the epidermis, to a depth of no more than half a millimeter.This method is less traumatic, is completely safe and saves the decorative effect.In my understanding, the main purpose contouring makeup is to enrich the natural features of the person receiving the lips with a distinct contour, with the amended by the asymmetry of the desired form, "hidden" flaws.Paint superfine needle is introduced into the upper layer of the skin using high-speed machine.Mikropigmentirovaniya operation lasts about two and a half hours, covering the pre-peeling, paint selection, delineation of contour and hour hardware work.This procedure requires no recovery period, does not cause swelling and bruising.The effect persists about 3-5 years."Artificial" lips begin to fade gradually, but the paint on the natural mineral does not remain in the body, it is washed off.This - a key difference from the tattoo pigments that remain in the skin.They are distributed by the circulatory system and accumulate in the lymph nodes.This method is not only the newest, but the only one that has the medical license of the European Council.This confirms the fact that the contour makeup there is no contraindication.Visual tricks Lip Color saturation depends on the eye makeup.If the eyes are heavily marked, then the lip color safely.Conversely, if muted eye makeup highlight the contours of the lips more intensively.And the lighter the skin, the whiter shade of lipstick should be, and vice versa.The following is recommended: brunettes with dark skin - colorful lipsticks with orange-colored tint.Light-skinned brunettes with blue, gray eyes should choose cla*sic red or purple.Red hair and fair skin - brown lip hues of ripe plums.Blonde with blue eyes should opt for a pink color saturated poppy or cherry blossoms.For blondes with brown and green eyes - bright red hues.Lipstick shades to help hide the natural flaws.A stylish mother of pearl emphasizes everything defects.It is generally not recommended, especially on the skin of the lips, as well as full lips and mouth in the form of bow.Lipstick light colors visually expands, enhances lips, and dark tones constrict.One of the main rules of art make-up - to hide the imperfection of the teeth.Reddish tangerine lipstick shades visually "whiten" your teeth.A dark brown lipstick can afford only those who have a snowy white perfect smile.If teeth are not perfect in its form, it is better to use a light lipstick, and even better would be to use glitter.This makes it possible to divert attention.Vitamins Lip All malfunctions of internal organs appear cracked lips or dry.Particularly vulnerable during the spring lips avitaminosis.Recommended in the spring: o drink plenty of fluids, ie, wet lips from the inside o include in the diet of foods that are rich in B vitamins Dairy products, cheese, egg yolks, chicken, fish, vegetables and herb - all this love to his lips.Paint on the natural basis is washed off, does not remain in the body.Bananas from the magnetic storms on days with adverse geophysical conditions people who have an unhealthy heart of not feeling well.The heart makes itself felt not because of hurricanes, earthquakes, and because of the quite peaceful natural phenomena.For example, changes in atmospheric pressure, increase in geomagnetic background of the earth - magnetic storms.Especially a lot of patients in hospitals receiving it in the days when magnetic storms were raging.Indeed, the impact of such storms on the human body have not been studied.Maybe change the geomagnetic background has an impact on the regulation of vascular tone and unpredictably alter blood pressure.And most experts believe that it is more in the troubled mental attitude of people on specific days.But in any case it is necessary to try to somehow protect themselves.What action should make people with heart disease, in order to unfavorable days have pa*sed without causing significant damage to his health?Try, at least mentally, to live one such day.The most dangerous part of the day - morning.That morning, most often a heart attack.Nervous system that regulates the functioning of the heart, can not so quickly be converted to "active" mode, it turns out to be unprepared for such strain.Therefore it is necessary to a*sist your body.To do this, not so much.In the morning when wake up, do not get up right away.Soak a bit, not moving.Then sit on the bed and swung his legs.Sit in this position.When the body goes from horizontal to vertical redistribution of blood takes place.If getting up slowly, then the blood vessels will have the opportunity to prepare.A sharp rise often cause the fact that the brain short period of time will be missed by the blood.In other words, possible fainting and dizziness.Therefore, how you get out of bed is very important.Also, gradually to "enter the day." Daily energy should be divided so that its maximum falls in the middle of the day, but not immediately after lunch.It plays a special role for the working people.Morning and evening are best engaged in some sort of "paper" cases, that is easy.During this time, the body committed the most severe drops in blood pressure.Therefore we should not "provoke" the pressure to extremes once again.If you used to do morning exercises, it is better to move it into the daily workout.In the evening, we recommend an easy walk.From it need not give up even in difficult days.Particular attention should be paid to proper nutrition.There are no diets, which allow you to safely experience the atmospheric vicissitudes.But there are certain features.On such days, not to overeat - it's the most important.This may trigger the development of a heart attack.Heart and brain are in conditions of oxygen starvation due to the fact that the diet overloaded the gastrointestinal tract, "pulls" on a blood.In an ordinary day such troubles can go quite unnoticed, but not during the magnetic storm.And that is prohibited in the unfavorable days to overload the stomach.Optimal solution in this situation - porridge cooked in water or skim milk.If you want meat, then stop your choice on the veal, but not pork or lamb.Even better - boiled fish.In an unfavorable day, of course, include in your diet bananas.They contain much useful for the body of biologically active substances and pota*sium.This allows you to protect yourself from stress.Lack of pota*sium often leads to failure of cardiac rhythm.End the day with the best cup of yogurt.This will help to better sleep.Even in these days is very carefully follow all your doctor's appointment.Not to be missed while taking medication.Some believe that the increased dose helps to easily survive such a storm.This approach - a double edged sword.Unusually large number of drugs can "lick" the body when the soil away from under his feet.Although, no matter how difficult or turned out to be the day he most likely will end successfully.But in that case, if you are not going to expect trouble.Let the range of magnetic storms raging, let them not proberutsya to you, have collapsed on the impregnable wall of a nice mood and good spirits.
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