
Anxiety and tightness in the chest that wont go away. What should i do?

Anxiety and tightness in the chest that wont go away. What should i do?
Anxiety and tightness in the chest that wont go away.What should i do?This has been ongoing for a couple weeks.I started getting anxiety and chest tightness for not really any reason.Now little things will trigger it and even if im not upset at the original trigger, it still continues.So I feel stressed out and have that tightness in my chest feeling for virtually no reason.Anyone been through this or have any advice on what i should do?It's starting to really affect social aspects of my life as well as things with my girlfriend.thanks for the help
um should have included that i do not need to lose any way.I maintain an extremely healthy diet and train at the gym 4-5 days a week.My heart is def fine im pretty sure since i am only 20.I have looked up the symptoms for a panic attack and I have them but not to the full extent..Its just basically a steady tightness in my chest along with stress...

Answer by Texas RN
You need to seek medical attention ASAP to have your heart checked out! You don't want to run the risk of having a heart attack...the symptoms you are describing are early warning signs of a heart attack.Answer by Alison But if you are relatively healthy as far as diet, exercise, could be a panic attack.
They can come for no reason at all.It is a chemical imbalance in your brain that causes the flight of fight responses.It will make you feel like you are having a heart attack.Shortness of breath, shaking, tightness in chest, even what feels like internal heart pain.But it doesn't cause your body any real harm they are just annoying.I have an anxiety disorder and I had these symptoms.You need to get in to see a psychiatrist. There is medicine that can make them severely decrease or even go completely away.I haven't had one since I started taking medication.

Answer by tim g
diet, lose weight, don't eat before bed,

Orignal From: Anxiety and tightness in the chest that wont go away.What should i do?

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