
Things Of Which I Am Tired

Things Of Which I Am Tired

The Title is self explanatory.

o This headache
It’s been six days now, and aside from a few good hours (let’s say two) each morning, I’m spending each day with my brain trying to escape through my eyeballs.

o Free e-books about quirky communities of people who eat quaint food (i.e.pie) and Just Need Jesus.

o Free e-books about various quasi-human things (i.e.vampires and werewolves) who Just Need Kinky Sex.

o People who tell me I HAVE to read X.
Look, I’m sure that _Ready, Player One_ is a fine book, a fun book. But I read what I’m in the mood for when I’m in the mood for it. I’m also not very good at have-tos. It’s why I keep flunking out of book clubs. Well, that and all that book clubs want to read are Quaint Food and Jesus books or Werepire Bondage books. Right now I’m in the mood to read Colonial history books. Please quit trying to convince me that I should instead read that new book about Hemingway’s wife. I hate Hemingway and can’t imagine that any woman who found him interesting enough to have sex with is someone that I would much care about.

o Cupcakes
Sometimes less is more. This rule applies to math cla*ses, television shows about designing with throw pillows and frosting.

o H.P.Lovecraft
Is it the anniversary of his first book? All of a sudden everyone I know is wanting to have Cthulu’s babies.

o Facebook
Love being in touch with all my old friends. Love being aware of what’s going on with my new friends. Am really sick and tired of videos about creative marriage proposals, crippled girls being carried around softball bases and pictures of dogs who have been starved and beaten.

o William Shatner
No reason.Just sick of him.

The Ojai Cook Lemonaise Light 12 Oz.