
Massage Junkie

Massage Junkie For several days now, my body has felt like it is coursing with poison.My limbs feel heavy and my body feels toxic.I get this feeling often.It's my body's way of letting me know that it needs more help with detoxing.I do spend a lot of time detoxing, but when I get that icky feeling, I know my body needs a little more help and it's time to schedule a ma*sage ASAP.My friend came over in the evening yesterday and gave me a ma*sage.I cannot emphasize enough how crucial ma*sage has been in helping my Lyme disease recovery.I truly would not be here without it.I have heard that many people with Lyme disease Herx from ma*sages, because it releases toxins into the body.In my experience, if I get weekly ma*sages, I do not Herx from them.If I spread it out farther than that, I do occasionally Herx, but not very often.

If I'm feeling bad, having a ma*sage once a week really recharges my batteries.If I'm feeling great, twice a month seems to be perfect for keeping me going strong.There have been numerous times when ma*sage has taken my pain from a ten to a zero, and for that I am forever grateful.

The physical and mental anguish of Lyme disease is a heavy--sometimes, unbearable--load for those of us with this disease, and to have something like ma*sage that can temporarily relieve us of that burden feels like nothing short of a miracle.Ma*sage therapy has given me my life back!

Turning the Corner